

Brázda | monographs
The most comprehensive book on the life and work of Pavel Brázda. It was published on the occasion of a major six-month exhibition at the National Gallery in 2005-2006. This monograph is a collection of numerous colour reproductions of paintings and black-and-white reproductions of drawings and a summary of essential written documents with an additional interview with this remarkable artist.
Obluda čeká, obluda má čas | The Monster Waits, the Monster Has Time
"Brázda's Monster waited a very long time, but in the end its author is considered one of our most original creators of the 20th century. This does not mean, however, that the acclaimed classic has somehow discounted his unconventional approach to creation and life. This is evidenced by this book, in which he presents his own fate without any exaggerations and compromises through the mouth of his expert Přemysl Arátor," says Jan H. Vitvar, cultural editor of the weekly Respekt.
cz, en, fr
Osudy a dílo / Schicksale und Werke / Fates and Work
Catalogue for a large retrospective exhibition held by the Egon Schiele Art Centre in Český Krumlov in 2017.
Egon Schiele Art Centrum
cz, en, de
Pavel Brázda is here!
Published in a limited edition on the occasion of Pavel Brázda´s exhibition at the Library of Birmingham.
Embassy of the Czech republic and Birmingham City Council
Pavel Brázda: mezi začátky a konci II | between dawn and twilight II
Catalogue published for the exhibition held at the Central Bohemian Region Gallery in Kutná Hora from February to June 2016.
Galerie středočeského kraje
cz, en
Malarstwo i grafika
Galeria Miejska in Wroclaw published this catalogue for the exhibition held from December 2013 to January 2014.
Galeria Miejska we Wroclawiu
en, pl
H R A: Kreslené příběhy s dodatečným slovním doprovodem
For a long time, Brázda had planned to publish the collection of about 300 drawings and sketches, which he started in the second half of the 1980s as a stoker in a coke boiler room. The drawings are accompanied by the author's texts and form a coherent fable.
Vzácná setkání
Catalogue mapping the exhibitions of Josef Čapek, Jaroslav Dostál, Věra Nováková, Pavel Brázda and Ivan Sobotka at the Octopus Gallery in Rýmařov between 1990-2019.
Brázda: 16 postcards
Set of 16 postcards with works by Pavel Brázda.
Pavel Brázda a Věra Nováková, Reliéfní a strukturální obrazy z 1. poloviny 60. let
A set of 8 postcards with relief and structural works by Pavel Brázda and Věra Nováková.
Revolver Revue
Pavel Brázda – Věra Nováková: 50. léta. Obrazy – kresby. Ženské domovy 1992
The idea to exhibit the work of Pavel Brázda and Věra Nováková was born in the early 1990s, at a time when the editors of RR - Terezie Pokorná and Viktor Karlík - were preparing a "Brázda" portrait for the magazine Revolver Revue (RR No. 14/1990). The catalogue, published by PKC Ženské domovy based on Michal Blažek's exhibition dramaturgy as the 6th edition of RR, contains an introduction by the organizers, detailed medallions by Pavel Brázda and Věra Nováková, as well as colour reproductions of twenty-three paintings and black-and-white reproductions of eight drawings (three of which are double-page spreads).
PKC Ženské domovy